
Showing posts from 2020

Integrating Quant Data, InfluxDB, and Python

After installing InfluxDB 1.8 on my MacBook, this follow up post shows how I integrated InfluxDB with Python for storing and retrieving quant data. InfluxDB Basic Concepts The InfluxDB 1.8 Getting Started documentation was helpful teaching me the basic concepts and commands necessary to use InfluxDB to create a database, store and query some data, then drop the database. Here's my log, starting from the shell prompt: $ influx Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.3 InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.3 > show databases name: databases name ---- _internal > create database tester > show databases name: databases name ---- _internal tester > use tester Using database tester > INSERT cpu,host=serverA,region=us_west value=0.64 > SELECT "host", "region", "value" FROM "cpu" name: cpu time                host    region  value ----                ----    ------ ...

My Experience Installing InfluxDB on Mac OS X Big Sur

For personal quant trading work, I need a schema-less database to keep track of data and support Grafana dashboards. I decided to try out InfluxDB OSS on my MacBook Air with Big Sur. Here are my notes for getting InfluxDB installed and working properly. Installation of InfluxDB 1.8.3 with HomeBrew I recently did a fresh install of Big Sur on my MacBook. Moving forward, I want to be more disciplined on how I install and manage packages/apps, so now I use HomeBrew for all apps not available from the App Store. With that in mind, I followed the instructions in the InfluxDB documentation and installed it with the following shell command: $ brew install influxdb Once the install completed successfully I then followed instructions in the previous command output to start the InfluxDB service with: $ brew services start influxdb That one immediately started the service, and so then I tried connecting to the service with the InfluxDB command-line interface (CLI): $ influx Connected to http:/...